Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels

you cannot be unearthed

Jasmine Bejar
Dec 30, 2020


you cannot be unearthed
you are earth

but as some point you became

layers and layers covered your core
and you were hardened

sometimes lava
but mostly rock

and you mistakenly understood yourself
to be the sum of all of these things

that you are the culmination
of an explosion, sedimentation, and shift


no, darling
you are not the sum

you are the difference
you are the essence
you are the core

and the core is the earth

you are grounded
and solid
and whole

and no physical force
can take that away from you

you transcend
you complete



Jasmine Bejar

My spirit animal is a chameleon who likes attention. If it doesn’t make sense, you get me.